Multi-specialty Medicine Mega Conference 2017


Multi-specialty Medicine Mega Conference 2017

Date: 28-29th April 2017

Venue: Cordis Hotel, Hong Kong

Chairpersons: Dr. Canon CHAN and Dr. Kevin Liu

- Medical management of obesity: A local experience by Dr. Michele YUEN

- Management of diabesity: One man, two diseases by Dr. CHOW Wing Sun

- Surgeon's role in metabolic syndrome and obesity by Dr. TSUI Tsun Miu

- Lessons learned from the first 100 metabolic and bariatric surgeries by Dr. LAW Tsz-Ting, Betty

- Non-medical, non-surgerical management of obesity: Therapies on the horizon by Dr. Michele YUEN


Multi-Specialty Medical Mega Conference (M3C) 2017

From left: Dr. Canon Chan, Dr. Kelvin Liu, Dr. Wing-sun Chow, Dr. Betty Tsz-Ting Law, Dr. Michele Yuen, Dr. Tsun-Miu Tsui

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