HKOS Advisors

Prof. Karen S.L. LAM

Local Advisor

Specialist in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism

Prof. Simon LAW

Local Advisor

Specialist in Esophageal and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery

Prof. Lee M. KAPLAN MD PhD

International Advisor

Director, Obesity, Metabolism & Nutrition Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School


International Advisor

Foundation Director of the Boden Institute of Obesity Nutrition and Eating Disorders

Boden Professor of Human Nutrition, Uni. of Sydney

President of the Australian Diabetes Society

President of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity

Regional Vice-president of the Asia Oceania Association for the Studt of Obesity

President-elect of the World Obesity Federation

Prof. Chih Kun HUANG

International Advisor

Superintendent, Body Science & Metabolic Disorders International Medical Centre, China Medical University Hospital