Message from President
Overweight and obesity is one of the major non-communicable disease of the 21st century, and Hong Kong is no exception to this global epidemic. Treatment of overweight and obesity, also known as the practice of “Obesity Medicine”, relies on an effective multidisciplinary approach with contribution of service from physicians, surgeons, dietitians, physiotherapists and psychologists / counsellors at appropriate times during a patient’s journey. Input from various specialists for the associated disorders of overweight and obesity (e.g. respiratory physicians, cardiologists, nephrologists, gastroenterologists, hematologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, anesthesiologist, orthopaedic surgeons, gynecologist and obstetricians), and provision of joint care from primary care and family medicine physicians are also a necessary part of a holistic care model. Most importantly, all professionals involved in the practice of obesity medicine should be delivering consistent messages to facilitate synergy between all efforts. Equally important is the need for peer and patient education so that fellow colleagues and patients can be empowered in the battle against this epidemic. It is with the above visions that we co-founded the Hong Kong Obesity Society in April 2016. To keep up-to-date in this rapidly developing field, collaboration with international experts in the field is another aim of the Hong Kong Obesity Society. We are fortunate to have support from an extensive of world leaders in obesity medicine and bariatric surgery on our advisory board. We hope that this coalition of efforts would bring about better health and wellness to people suffering from overweight and obesity in Hong Kong.